Discrimination of LGBT ( Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Community

What is discrimination?
In simple language, we can say the discrimination is the unequal demeanour of a person based on a determined characteristics.
In any sort of act or deportment in discrimination. And in any place in the world people discriminate against individuals based on such factors as Age, Sex, Race, National origin, sexual orientation and gender identity. These activities include revoking or extending a preferable demeanour.

And we often get to see such discrimination around us like:
- Society’s discreet against LGBT Individuals: The Peoples of this community suffer a lot like sexual abuse from other community and some act of bullied another one is fear of attack by any person and the other factor is dishonouring or disgracing a person mean humiliation in public in front of society and last most of popular factor is family acceptance many families When they come to know that their children belong to this community they can’t accept.
- Medical field discrimination against LBGT Individual: In that field here, discrimination is visible in many cases they refuse to care and treatment and, in many cases, we show discrimination from fertility and sexual health specialist and talks about body posture and vocal cord.
- The place works discrimination against LGBT individuals: In workplaces, they denying to equal pay and also deny goods and services on account of gender identity mostly seen in cases is that sexual harassment in workplaces and they falling to accommodate individuals with LGBT community sexual orientation, disability including (mental, physical and psychological).
We have come to know from a survey that There are 69 countries where homosexuality is criminalized and nearly half of these are in Africa.

Your sexual orientation and your gender identity should not be grounds for discrimination.
International text in the living matters and without undergoing or neither violence nor express yourself freely yes to rallies peacefully gathering you have the right to respect for private and family everything say NO to discriminate in employment.
Discrimination based on race, religion, colour, national origin and sexual orientation. This bill was controversial.
You have to right to respect your privacy for your private life and family life. All said no to Discrimination in Employment, housing, and health education those respect be.
These Rights are the universal Rights that be aware of your right our solicitation.
For the past 50 years, all over the World has been many debating and the legal definition of Sex and whether it protects the LGBTQ community from discrimination too.
In recent years Rights of the LGBT community have rapidly increased. They were facing many social problems and legal difficulties. LGBT community people have the right to change their legal gender and a third gender non-binary gender is recognized and this is a Constitutional right.
There is no legal restriction against gay sex or gay expression. Same-sex couples have recognition of relationships in other words live-in relationships.
Another right is mentioned about adoption.
Adoption by single people of LGBT recognized but in the case of same-sex couples restricted.

Various and Bisect forms of discrimination
About human rights, Lesbian, Gay, bisexual, transgender etc. All of them face both Common and segregated challenges.
They also face problems like institutional violence in society system, the healthcare system, and workplaces with lifelong results to their physical, mental and psychological barriers.
Those born with atypical sex symptoms, in other words, we can say intersex people suffered also some of the same kinds of violations of human rights as LGBT people.
Each of the states is compelled under International human rights law to promote and preserve the human rights of all of the people of the whole world without discrimination.
Fundamentals legal Compel of state to preserve Community of LGBT
Preserving the community of LGBT people from ferocity and discrimination does not appropriate a refresh law and standard.
States of affairs legally need affording protection to the community of LGBT in human rights.
Fundamentals legal compel of states concerning preserving the human rights of the LGBT community includes obligations are:
● DEFEND: In the point we can talk about the individuals of violence phobias like homophobic and transphobic violence.
● RESTRAIN: bringing shame, infliction of pain and barbarous treatment to any person who belongs to the community.
● FORBIDDEN: discrimination of gender identity based on sexual orientation.
● SAFETY MEASURES: we have to be more conscious about their safety and freedoms of expression, association and peaceful assembly for the community of LGBT.

In this article, I have discussed many points related to LGBT people all over the world. Discrimination On what things is there discriminate on society system, curative system and many localities and also converse the rights of those people whose belongs that community.