Alternative ways to distributeCOE, fast increasing prices among concerns raised by MPs
The rising cost of living is a major concern for many MPs and their constituents. In the UK, one of the
most expensive items in people’s budgets is Council Tax COE. This tax has been increasing steadily
over recent years, putting an additional strain on households already struggling to make ends meet.
To address this issue, some MPs have suggested alternative ways to distribute COE which could
potentially reduce costs for taxpayers while still ensuring that local authorities are adequately

One such proposal involves introducing a flat-rate system whereby each household pays an equal
amount regardless of property value or location within the country. This would ensure that everyone
contributes equally towards funding public services and it could be beneficial because those with
lower incomes would not be disproportionately affected by higher taxes as they are currently under
existing systems where wealthier households bear more responsibility than poorer ones do.
Additionally, this approach may also encourage investment in less affluent areas since all residents
will pay the same rate regardless of where they live or how much their house is worth – thus providing
incentives for businesses to set up shop there too!
Another suggestion put forward by MPs has been capping council tax bills so that no household pays
more than a certain percentage above average levels across England and Wales combined – thereby
reducing financial burden on low income families who often face disproportionate taxation due to
high property values relative other parts of society .
Such measures might help alleviate poverty whilst still allowing local councils sufficient funds needed provide essential services like education health care etcetera; thereby improving quality life all citizens without further straining government coffers either through increased borrowing or reduced spending elsewhere within budget allocations given current economic uncertainty throughout Europe at large!
The UK government has recently come under fire from MPs for their handling of the distribution of
COE Certificate Of Entitlement and the rapidly increasing prices. The issue is that there are not
enough vehicles available to meet demand, leading to a surge in prices. This has caused great concern
amongst many members of Parliament as it affects both consumers and businesses alike.
One alternative way that could be used to distribute COEs more fairly would be through an auction
system or lottery-style system where applicants can bid on permits with a maximum price set by the
government, or alternatively enter into a lottery draw for limited permits each month/year. This would
ensure those who need vehicles most will have access without having to pay exorbitant prices due to
competition driving up costs beyond what they can afford.
Additionally, this could help create more fairness within society as it prevents wealthy individuals from monopolising resources while also giving poorer families an equal chance at obtaining necessary transportation options like cars and motorcycles which may otherwise remain out of reach financially speaking .

A second solution proposed by some MPs is providing incentives such as tax breaks or subsidies for
green energy alternatives like electric cars so people are encouraged away from petrol powered
models towards cleaner solutions instead – thus reducing emissions significantly across all sectors in
line with current climate change goals set forth by governments around Europe .
Such incentives should make these greener alternatives much more affordable than traditional combustion engine automobiles whilst still allowing citizens access vehicle ownership if desired; helping level out inequality between different socio-economic classes when it comes down purchasing power parity when looking at car ownership rates too .
In conclusion , there needs urgent action taken regarding how COEs are distributed given current
market conditions causing skyrocketing increases in pricing ; however , two potential solutions put
forward include implementing either an auction /lottery style permit allocation process combined with incentivising green energy transport methods over traditional combustion engines where
possible – thus ensuring fairer distribution whilst encouraging sustainable living practices