Human Rights in Pakistan

If we look at human rights in the 21st century it’s all about those fundamental rights which are the right of every individual guaranteed by the state. Human rights in Pakistan plus all the international and domestic rights and the documentation of the UN human rights mechanism are all found to be tremendously serious.
There is no doubt about the fact that human rights in Pakistan are taking serious condition that is taking the shape of violation. Some people are not well aware of the actual meaning of human rights. In Pakistan, Human rights have become an issue of Pakistan more than a campaign that starts from the upper level to the lower.
In this way, the part of the government is miserable as well we common public is also not active and also not compromising with the government in some contexts. The main purpose of this essay is to identify the real rights of men and women and also child rights. If we go into detail human rights then mainly taken as the rights of the citizens that are violated, by the state or the agents of the state or by persons commissioned, by the agents of the state.
If we look at the definition of human rights every country has its definition of defining human rights that mainly depend on the situation. If we look at Pakistan then one of the biggest human right violation in Pakistan is taken as the rejection by the state of the rights of citizens of the country in different categories like education, food, housing and health facilities. In the sections of civil and Political, rights.
Pakistan is trying to face the rights of minorities, the rights of children, freedom of judiciary, arbitrary custody, extra judicial and summary execution, pain and custodial deaths. Currently, Pakistan intensified its efforts to control the media and authorities harassed the media persons and also not harassed but also detained, journalists and other members of civil society for criticizing government officials and policies as well. Violent attacks on members of the media also continued.
Freedom of Expression, Attacks on Civil Society Groups

Currently, political instability in the country and a climate of fear affect the media coverage and abuses by both government officials and civil society in dangerous situations. Journalists are facing threats and also attacks from media officials. Media outlets have come under pressure from authorities not to criticize government institutions or the judiciary. On several occasions in 2023 government regulatory agencies blocked and did not show TV channels and also cable operators that had aired critical programs.
Women and Girls Abuses:

Currently, women and girls face violations including rape, murder, acid attacks, and also domestic violence not only to this and also face forced marriages throughout Pakistan. Human rights organizations estimate roughly one thousand women have been killed in the so-called honour killings every single year. One another big issues in the form of child marriage remains a serious problem in Pakistan with sixteen per cent of girls marrying before age of eighteen and four per cent marrying before fifteen.
Women from religious minority communities remain particularly vulnerable to forced marriage. Steps need to be taken to overcome and stop these kinds of violations the government has not that many steps to stop these completely stop and save the life of women and young girls. The above mention is human rights violations in the country which I mention in this essay.