Is the government really guaranteed the freedom of speech and expression?
Freedom of speech and expression is one of the very essential and fundamental rights of
individuals. Article 19 of the Indian constitution guarantees the right to Freedom of speech and
expression to the people of India. India is a democratic country and here freedom of speech and
expression includes, – criticising the government, impartial judiciary, habit of tolerance and
compromise. But uncertainty the present government of India is so desperate to maintain the
chair and his position that he forgets to maintain the basic fundamental rights of the individual.

In a democratic country, it is very natural that the press and the opposition party and even the
Individuals have the right to criticise the government, and even they have the right to vote and elect
their representative.
And the government secure and guarantee the rights of individuals. But in India, the situation is the opposite, the government is authorised to protect human rights violating the rights of individuals, especially by suppressing the voice of the individuals and imposing restrictions on their freedom of speech and expression that the citizens could never
ably criticising the government.
On the year of 2012 when Modi Sarkar was an opposition party leader, he tweeted “A
common man should join the protest against the crackdown on freedom of speech” but the irony
begins when at the year in 2014 after getting into the chair this BJP party move in the opposite
direction. Recently the Modi Government introduce new rules that no one can post any such thing which
can start a battle against the government which is a violation of free speech and expression.
It’s just not about only one political party, this appears among all the political parties that after coming
into power they restrict the freedom of speech and expression so that no one can criticise the
government or no one can go against the government.

It’s even very shameful to say, that in a secular country like India, the political parties carry
a religious stigma with them, which is rapidly hurting and violating basic human rights. For
example, Yogi Aditya Nath, a Hindu monk who is presently the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh
Lodge FIR against a video on Twitter.
A journalist posted a video on Twitter where a man Muslim man was beaten by a Hindu. Yogi Adityanath lodged FIR against the news portal from where the video was posted, for defending the Hindus from the video. So that no one can hurt the agenda of the political party, which is establishing a Hindu Country.
On 30th September 2022, a 19 years old Dalit Girl was gang raped by four upper cast Hindu men
in Uttar Pradesh. Police brunt the body of the deceased victim against the will of her family
members to cover up the incident. The body of the rape victim was burnt against the wheel of her
family even police locked the family members and local locals inside the house while burning
the body. This incident is beyond humanity and as our government mainly support a specific
religion, no right step was taken in the favour of the girl’s family.
And in addition, the government offered them compensation to cover up the incident. But the question is, can compensation cure the wound of losing the nearest one?

Can the compensation provide the deceased with proper justice?
According to Justicia’s report India is in the lowest rank when measuring public support for free
speech. The justiciar report reveals that India has problems with freedom of speech and
expression in every field, – like religion, and government and not even the people express their view
or their speech regarding other social issues like a gay and lesbian relationship or insulting the national
Criticising the government and talking about communal riots or religion is one of the biggest
controversial topics in India in which people are feared to give their expression or opinion.
And surprisingly the people of India don’t even bother that their right to speech and
expression is violated and restricted by the government day by day. And this is unlikely to
change because this is what the people of India want. The constitution of India gave the right to
freedom of speech and expression but it is too weak to protect someone’s true rights.