Researchers May Have Found a Way to Slow Human Aging

As far as slowing down the symptoms of ageing in humans is concerned, the cells associated
with aging in humans cannot be taken out of the body like in mice. However, another researcher, Dr. Jan Van Duersen, believes that in youth, the cells associated with old age are
already leaving the body.A research by American scientists has revealed that regular exercise
started at an older age can also slow down the effects of age.During the experiment, the
scientists pulled a cart with slightly heavier wheels from the rats passing through the last stage
of their age.Scientists took the support of rats for the experiment. Rats typically have a lifespan
of 22 months and do not need extra exercise, as they run an average of eight to 12 kilometres a day for about a few months, the scientists found that the muscles of the experimental mice were more active and stronger than those of normal mice of the same age. Not only this, their
epigenetic age was also underestimated by eight weeks. Epigenetic age is a novel method of
biological aging determination.Today, in modern development, very rapid changes are taking
place in technology. Technology has never given such a wide range of features before. In this,
the work of shrinking the world has been done, the things of our daily use have also been
reduced. Even after this our scientists have not stopped and are striving to make things smaller
with better quality and efficiency. the journal Aging Cell states that a combination of drugs and
growth hormone can reduce a person’s biological age. Steve Horvath, a geneticist at the
The University of California has been able to turn people’s biological or epigenetic clocks back by an average of two-and-a-half years. They can do this by using a combination of two common drugs used for growth hormone and diabetes drugs, he explained. Biological age or the epigenetic clock is measured by tracking chemical changes in an organism’s DNA over time. As people age, chemical changes or tags are added to their DNA, and these changes continue throughout life. Hence biological age of a person can be measured by looking at these tags. But is delaying or stopping aging even possible? According to nutritionists and fitness coaches all over the world, regular exercise and keeping a balanced diet is the only key to delaying aging. But as the world is progressing, scientists have come up with ways to delay, stop, and even reverse ageing with the help of biotechnology and gene therapy. Making changes up to the microscopic level is speculated to be the ultimate solution to a disease-free long life and eternal youth.However, it is not easy to cause mutations in such a complex body organization as that of a human. Nevertheless, we are not far away from what now seems magical to soon be an ordinary operation done by humans.