The Physics Nobel Prize Winner of 2022 just Proved that the "Universe is not real"

The Nobel Prize for Physics in 2022 was awarded to an unprecedented team of scientists who have made a remarkable and groundbreaking discovery. The team has proven, through a series of experiments, that the universe is not real.
This discovery shook the scientific community and has been met with both excitement and skepticism. The team was led by renowned physicist Dr. David Zukoff and included researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, the Institute for Advanced Study, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information.

The team’s experiments focused on the concept of “quantum entanglement”, which states that particles separated in space can still interact with each other. By manipulating these particles in a controlled environment, the team was able to show that the particles behaved as if they were connected in some mysterious way.
The team then used this phenomenon to show that the universe is not actually real. They argued that since these particles can interact with each other, it follows that the universe itself is not an actual physical object, but rather a mathematical construct.
This groundbreaking discovery has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the universe. It could lead to a completely new way of looking at the universe and its laws, as well as provide insight into the fundamental nature of reality itself.
The team’s Nobel Prize win has been met with both enthusiasm and criticism. Many scientists are excited about the implications of the discovery, while others are skeptical. Some have argued that the team’s experiments are too limited in scope to draw any meaningful conclusions about the nature of the universe.
The realisation that the universe is not locally real is among the more frightening ones made in the last 50 years. An apple can be red even when no one is watching. This is what is meant when we use the term “real” in this situation. Local denotes that an object can only be affected by its immediate environment and that no effect can move faster than light.
Quantum physics research on the cutting edge has discovered that these two things cannot both be true. The evidence instead demonstrates that items may not only be affected by their environment but may also lack specific features before being measured.
Of course, what we experience on a daily basis is completely at odds with this. Do you truly trust the stuff you’re being told, Albert Einstein once complained to a friend?
Only time will tell if this remarkable discovery holds up to further scrutiny, but one thing is certain: the team’s Nobel Prize win has sparked a new wave of scientific inquiry and has changed the way we think about the universe.
Three physicists, John Clauser, Alain Aspect, and Anton Zeilinger, are now directly to blame for this accomplishment. The 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded evenly between them “for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities, and pioneering quantum information science.”
The term “Bell inequalities” refers to the ground-breaking work of Northern Ireland-born physicist John Stewart Bell, who in the early 1960s established the parameters for the 2022 Physics Nobel Prize. Colleagues concurred that the trio deserved this punishment for upending reality as we know it and had it coming to them. According to Sandu Popescu, a quantum physicist at the University of Bristol in England, “it was long overdue.”

The problem with quantum mechanics was never that it gave incorrect predictions; in fact, when it was developed by physicists in the early 20th century, the theory perfectly represented the microscopic universe.
The uncomfortable consequences of the theory for reality were what Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen objected to, as they stated in their renowned 1935 paper. The focus of their study, which went by the initials EPR, was a thought experiment intended to show how ludicrous quantum mechanics is. The objective was to demonstrate how, under specific