Misogyny Must Be Recognised As A Hate Crime If It Is To Be Relegated To The Annals Of History
In western societies, sexual harassment and misogyny still exist in a number of ways. Due to anti-discrimination legislation, sexism is now often more subtle and complex and can be harder to detect but it is still there. Education has an important role to play here and both young men and women need to be taught about the history and current state of women’s rights in Britain and other countries around the world. Recent events have also shown the importance of taking seriously and tackling sexual harassment in schools. It is vital that we continue to challenge gender stereotypes and victim blaming and that everyone from an early age understands how harmful these ideas and attitudes are. Without recognizing misogyny as a hate crime many women feel they cannot report it because they don’t feel they would be taken seriously this leaves them open to vulnerability and they feel unprotected in their communities. It is crucial that police are representative of the public and that we have officers with lived experience of the systemic structural injustices and problems that are ingrained in modern society. This is not a case of men against women we need men to be allies and to stand in solidarity with women with regard to the very important issue of misogyny and violence against women and girls. We need them to listen so that they can learn from our lived experiences and then stand with us, speak out and take action. competing for, and monopolizing access to, women is eager to avoid such biological imperatives but in doing so he reaches for a kind of just-so story that renders much of the history he has laid out beside the point. Patriarchy, he speculates, was motivated by simple resentment of women’s wombs. “Deprived of the power that women have, men reserved all the others for themselves he writes. This was the revenge of the males: their biological inferiority led to their social hegemony.
To claim that masculinity is a patriarchal construct however is not so much an explanation as the postponement of an explanation. Who or what created the patriarchy Evolutionary biologists maintain that our earliest male ancestors had an evolutionary incentive to maximize the spread of their genes violently.