Protection of the right of the unborn child

This article is going to talk about the fact that the rights of unborn children have to be respected in every single circumstance and it is limited to Rwandan territory.
No circumstance of any kind whether rape, forced marriage, incest or fetal impairment is construed as derogating the laws protecting the human rights of the unborn child or those relating to public order and morality.

The rights of the unborn child should be respected no matter the circumstance where anyone contradicts he/she should be liable because even the Rwandan constitution states that a person has right from birth until death and no one is allowed to deprive you of your right.
If anyone contradicts to the above paragraph and upon conviction, the one should be sentenced to a term of four (4) years or a fine of one (1) million.

The protection to the right of a child’s life is also provided for in the preamble and articles 1, 2 and article 5 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child ratified by Rwanda it stipulates that:” Every child has an inherent right to life.
I have raised this issue because in Rwandan law there is an article which allows abortion in the cases listed above, while obviously, the unborn child has to be protected because he/she cannot protect him/herself, how come there is a possibility of killing a person, especially who does not have an idea of what he/she is being done.

The human right of a person is a fundamental aspect in every single angle and it is gained from birth and ends by death, so there is no single law which can be allowed to deprive an individual of his/her life, especially those who cannot stand for themselves it could be an injustice.
The constitution of Rwanda in its article 12 provides that “Everyone has the right to life. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of life” and it talks about the Inviolability of a human being in its article 13 which states that “A human being is sacred and inviolable. The State has an obligation to respect, protect and defend human beings.
As an observer, I recommend this article to be respected especially in Rwanda because it is stated in its constitution that ever body has rights as a person which he/she cannot be taken away, that right is the right to life found in their article 12 as stated above so no abortion of any kind could be allowed because it is a violation of human right, especially the one who cannot fight for her/himself.