Struggling with journalism in Pakistan

Struggling with journalism in Pakistan
Struggling with journalism in Pakistan, Pakistan is a democratic nation that has ratified international agreements regarding human rights and freedom of speech. Journalism is a highly regarded profession in the country and has been nurtured through the tireless efforts of numerous brave, dedicated, and resolute journalists. Many of these journalists have even given their lives in defense of freedom of expression.
Legal Protection For Journalists in Pakistan
It is worth mentioning that the Constitution of Pakistan, specifically Article 19, guarantees freedom of speech and expression. To further protect journalists, the government has enacted laws, such as the Protection of Journalists Act 2014 and the Protection of Journalists and Media Professionals Act 2021. Although these laws have faced criticism, particularly regarding the censorship imposed by Article 6, they also provide protections such as the right to protect sources, freedom from torture, and privacy.
Press freedom index
Despite these efforts, journalists still face a hostile environment created by political and non-political actors. The World Press Freedom Index shows that in the past year, Pakistan’s ranking has dropped 12 places and now sits at 157 out of 180 countries. According to records maintained by UNESCO, 90 journalists have been killed in the country from 2002 to 2022, with only 2.5% of these cases being resolved. In 2022, there were 6 deaths recorded. Unfortunately, no response was received from member states regarding casualties in the years 2019-2020.
A Tragic Case: The Murder Of Nazim Jokhio
Each of these deaths represents a tragic and heartbreaking story that has shocked the nation. One such case is the murder of Nazim Jokhio. Nazim was a local journalist who was brutally tortured and killed in November 2021. His family accused Jam Abdul Kareem, a member of parliament, and his brother Jam Awais, a member of the provisional assembly, of the murder. The reason behind the murder is believed to be a video that Nazim made showing the Jam brothers and their guests hunting.
The Trail Of Nazim’s Murder
The trial of Nazim’s murder started in the local court of Malir and was later forwarded to an anti-terrorism court. The case was beset by several surprising developments, such as the police charge sheet not being produced in court even after two court orders and the prime suspects not being named in the charge sheet. On March 1, 2021, Nazim’s wife filed a petition in the high court accusing the prosecution of using delaying tactics without any legal justification. Despite the petition, no charge sheet was produced, and on March 14, the anti-terrorism court ordered the prosecution to do so, but to no avail. Suddenly, news of the case being withdrawn surfaced, with claims that Shareen Jokhio, Nazim’s wife, had “forgotten” the murders of her husband. However, in a video statement, Shareen clarified that she still wanted to fight but was left alone and lacked the energy to do so.
There are numerous other heartbreaking cases similar to Nazim Jokhio’s murder, including the murders of Arshad Sharif and Ajay Lawlwani, which will be discussed in further detail in volume 2. The sacrifices and bravery of journalists in Pakistan serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for all of us to stand up against the evil forces that threaten our freedom and rights. Despite the challenges and difficulties faced by journalists in the country, their determination and passion for the truth continue to shine and serve as a beacon of hope. Let us remember their contributions and continue to fight for a just and equitable society where freedom of expression and human rights are respected and upheld. By doing so, we honor their memory and ensure a brighter future for generations to come.