Indians to leave a foot mark on Mexicans

As being the Indians marriage have always been the most pois and highly celebrated social institution even before one may start to recapture his or her very memories and not just the institution of marriage culture but also every little and different cultural aspects of India have been very widely spread and acknowledged worldwide.
It is the Americans or even the Britishers who once made India as a colony of his and now Indians put down the Mexicans too one that very list . As a very recent example or more rightly to be said an event that just took place in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu where a man named Savuthri Raj to be of a precisely said to be a resident of Kuppuchipudur Pollachi of Tamil Nadu who is a son of the tea shop owner in that very particular city.
He went to Mexico for his higher studies and later started working over there and while he was studying he came across with a Mexican girl named Daniela and where they fell in love with each other and eventually with time decided to tie knots with each other.

Now the irony to the plot and twist of the story came to everyone was that she was already a Mexican and he since went to study have been a prominent one to of that very nation but when the time tickled to be of their getting united to as one the place they choose to be married was not where they have been living for so long rather the place.
Where the boy have been born and brought up that is India because the love and affection for the traditional style of the Indian weddings compelled her to be an Indian bride and in the accordance with the process she along with her entire family decided to fly to India and in that village only where the love of her life have been .

And as India is being famous for and always being acknowledged for its way for welcoming and treating the guests and these guests are almost considered to be not less than the God, and so just happened as being expected from them the entire village came to welcome them with immense joy and love.
The just welcoming but as commonly said for the Indians marriage was not just of the family but of the entire village as they all participated in the wedding and the ceremonial activities and they always work as a one single unit as a one whole family and the wedding was celebrated in a very grand and lavish style.
All the ceremonies of the wedding were carried out in a typical Tamilian style including the seven promises of marriage and the garlands exchange ceremony even they performed Nalangu together and even on the top of it a video of them went viral on the social media of them dancing on the classical Tamil folk songs and the wedding turned out to be a very lavish style as always been expected too in an Indian way where colours fill the air in all the different aspects.
It take it to either the decoration of the ceremony or the dresses of all the pupils invited into the wedding, the enchantment of the mantras the dancing on the typical Indian music and tunes and most importantly the love and blessings that surround the air and that is one of the most important thing that made India as the India and this is the reason that fascinated a Mexican girl to be an Indian bride .