Why the vaginal microbiome may be key to treating bacterial vaginosis

The reason for this change in the level of bacteria is not yet clear Mostly it is observed that when this disease is in its initial stages then its symptoms are not visible and when it becomes severe then women have to undergo symptoms like vaginal discharge, itching and increase in pH level of vagina. The most common cause of bacterial vaginosis in a woman of reproductive age is vaginal discharge. this happens when the healthy bacteria present in the vagina become unbalanced and start growing too fast. this upsets the natural balance of microorganisms in a woman’s vagina and leads to bacterial vaginosis. Bacterial infection of the vagina is a common but poorly understood condition. In such a situation, the balance of bacteria inside the vagina gets disturbed.bacterial vaginosis is not fatal for most women, although it may be a cause for concern if the symptoms occur during pregnancy and if you have a history of pregnancy problems.More than half of women with bacterial vaginosis do not experience any symptoms.Bacteria are tiny, one-celled organisms that live in the body. Some can cause illness and disease, and some are good for your body.symptoms of bacterial vaginosis BV are detected by examining these samples. In some centers, the result may be available immediately, but if the sample is sent to the laboratory, it may take up to a week to receive the result.sample of your cells may be taken from the wall of your vagina using a plastic loop or swab. the swab looks like a cotton bud but is smaller, softer and rounder.a swab, or loop, collects the sample of secretions and cells. this process does not take much time and does not cause any pain. Although for a few moments you may feel a little awkward.if you get bacterial vaginosis, it sometimes gets better on its own. But if it doesn’t, it can be treated with antibiotics.Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics, such as metronidazole or clindamycin. Don’t drink alcohol while you’re taking medicines, as it can make antibiotics less effective, and can make you feel uncomfortable side effects such as nausea.there is much to learn about bacterial vaginosis and how to prevent it.based on what is known, it can be said that it is related to those behaviors that disturb the balance of vaginal bacteria.It has been known for more than a century that disrupting vaginal Lactobacillus species can result in bacterial vaginosis, an often symptomatic condition in which vaginal lactobacilli are lost and anaerobic bacteria are concomitantly increased.
Differences in vaginal micro biota composition, including temporal shifts within a given individual, are almost certainly caused by a complicated interaction among host characteristics, environment, and behavior that is incompletely understood However, a number of modifiable and nonmodifiable factors have been shown to affect the vaginal microbiome.